S.I.E. Midterm Conferences 2016-2019

Achaemenid Studies Today11-13 December 2017, Naples, University of Naples L’Orientale.Co-sponsored by ISMEO and University of Naples L’Orientale. The Idea of Iran23 February 2017, Tehran, Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopaedia.Conference dedicated to the memory of Gherardo Gnoli (1937 – 2012).Co-sponsored by ISMEO, the Italian Embassy in Tehran, and the Center for the Great Islamic Encyclopaedia.more […]

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Past S.I.E. Conferences

2015: 8th European Conference of Iranian StudiesThe 8th Conference of Iranian Studies of the Societas Iranologica Europaea (SIE) took place in Saint Petersburg, Russia, at the State Hermitage Museum and at the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts from Tuesday September 15th to Saturday September 19th, 2015 Conference website 2011: 7th European Conference of Iranian StudiesThe 7th European Conference […]

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Past S.I.E. Midterm Conferences

2013: Pre-Islamic past of Middle Asia and Eastern Iran23-25 October 2013, St. Petersburg, State Hermitage Museum.Conference dedicated to the memory of Boris Il’ich Marshak (1933 – 2006) and Valentin Germanovich Shkoda (1951 – 2012).more information here 2013: La religion des Achéménides: Confrontation des sources7-8 November 2013, Paris, Collège de France, Amphithéatre Guillaume Budé.more information here […]

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SIE Conference Proceedings

ECIS8 (2015): Proceedings of the 8th European Conference of Iranian Studies, held in St. Petersburg 14-19 September 2015 Volume 1: Studies on Pre-Islamic Iran and on Historical Linguistics, ed. Pavel B. Lurje, Saint Petersburg: The State Hermitage Publishers, 2019. ECIS8 (2015): Publication of the Special Session on Medieval Iranian Manuscript Traditions Other Than Islamic: Barbati, Chiara & Olga […]

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